
Showing posts from April, 2018


SUCCESS If you want to SUCCESS, Mack some thing/think that help other people.                                                                                                                              -Jahedul islam    There is no elevator to SUCCESS, You have to take the stairs. the dream is free the hustle is sold separately. If you want to go Fast go alone,                                                                                          If you want to go Far go together. Intelligent is the ability to a adapt to change. Give me six hours to chop down a tree and i will spend the fist four sharpening the axes.                                                                                                -Adraham lin  The more you learn, the more you earn. The moment you stop growing you start Dying. `All time surrounding with great people. Stop thinking start doing. To day is hard, Tomorrow will be worse, But the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.    In sani

stop thinking start doing

stop thinking start doing Few year a go i found some thing on YOU TUBE  called Motivational Video   . and i start watching and learning so many thing but i never apply in my life. so realty is i'm stand  same place where are am i starting. so get advice and make a move. take a action, if you jest watching video and read book and jest thinking your self its nothing happen. make a move fuse your self go forward.

learning is the key of Success

learning is the key of Success learning is not what we get is School or University. learning is what we get from nature. if you want SUCCESS you have to learn at much as  possible in your ea rly life. if you stop learning then your are start die.   its not  rocket science to understand that you can't go foreword learning what you want to do.